August 2015 Meeting Minutes
SCVEA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2015 - 8:00am
Barnboard, Roberts, WI
Members present: Nicole Butz, Dori Marty, Deb Henke, Trish Norman, Holly Butler, Pam Gartmann Kelli Cadwell and Sherry DeLong
Meeting called to order at 8:20am
MINUTES: Approval of June’s meeting minutes - M/S – Sherry DeLong/Nicole Butz
FINANCE: Discussion of end of Fiscal Year financials. Ended year with a net income due to SHRM financial support for SCVEA members planning and attending the state conference. August marks start of new Fiscal Year. M/S – Holly Butler/Sherry DeLong
MEMBERSHIP: Discussion of WI Membership Conference Call/Webinar. Outlined 2017 requirements for National Membership at local level. Ideas for membership events discussed.
Suggestion to find local photographer to attend Labor Law Clinic to take professional headshots for attendees – Trish Norman to contact.
Potential Wine & Canvas/Virtual Golf combo event for members. Kelli Cadwell to contact Cheers Pablo and Gibby’s to find out available dates in January 2016 and information.
Approval to add membership drawing at the Labor Law Clinic for new & renewing members that join prior to the Clinic (9/16/15). Agreed to purchase $50 Amazon gift card and a Waterproof Powerbank as prizes. M/S – Sherry DeLong/Trish Norman
PROGRAM: Discussed details of the Labor Law Clinic – speakers, sponsors and Board introductions.
MARKETING: Labor Law Clinic email and website information are ready. Need to have Phil set up link and PayPal information and will be send out to membership. Reminder to Board to subscribe to the WI HR Forward blog ( Trish to send out information. Meeting minutes and current program schedule to be posted on our website. Need to update the “About Us” section of the website.
Networker to be sent out Quarterly to membership group. Information to include: President notes, Legal Update, Program info, Membership drive, WITC Classes (SHRM-CP/SCP prep course & HR Essentials)
INITIATIVES: WITC prep course/HR essentials – postcards are being printed and then sent out with dates/price information. We will also have them on hand for the Labor Law Clinic.
Student chapter – Dori to talk to Pete Ptacek upon return to campus for fall semester.
Reminder that the WI State Conference is October 14-16, 2015. We would love to see our Board and SCVEA members there!
Success by 6 surveys – more information to come when UW-Stout reconvenes for the fall semester to confirm what is needed to gain certification as a Family Friendly Workplace. Continue to move forward with this certification.
CORE LEADERSHIP: Sherry DeLong is now the Foundation Chair so will be getting a drawing together for the Labor Law Clinic as well as baskets for the State Conference and National Leadership Conference.
Next meeting: September 1 at 12:00pm – Conference Call
Meeting adjourned at 9:29am - M/S – Kelli Cadwell/Nicole Butz
Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Pam Gartmann