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AI in the HR World

    Date:  February 26th, 2025

    Time: 11:30am to 12:30pm

    Location: Virtual

    Organizer:  SCVEA

    Cost to Attend:  Free for Members, $15 for Non-Members

    Note:  As a condition of my participation in/attendance at the SCVEA seminar/networking event, I grant to SCVEA, and each of its affiliates, designees, successors and assignees, the right and permission to photograph, film, record and/or otherwise capture in any media my name, likeness, image, photograph, voice, video, biographical and other information in connection with such SCVEA seminar/networking event (collectively, “Likeness”) with the right to use such Likeness, in any media platform or format whatsoever (including, but not limited to, for advertising and promotional purposes), and to distribute, broadcast and exhibit such Likeness without charge, restriction or liability.  I understand that all ownership and copyright rights in the Likeness will by owned by SCVEA and I waive any inspection or approval rights.


    Attendee Names (Note: Person above creating the registration is not considered an attendee unless registered as an attendee. If registering more than 4 attendees, you'll need to complete this process more than once.)

    Please enter your full first and last name.
    If you are attending representing a company, please enter the full name of your company.
    Please enter your primary e-mail address.
    Are you a current SCVEA member?
    Are you a member of a listed Chamber Partner?
    Attendee Names: (Note: Person above creating the registration is not considered an attendee unless registered as an attendee. If registering more than 4 attendees, you'll need to complete this process more than once.)
    Please enter the names of each of the attendees you are registering.
    Enter the full first and last name of your attendee (please list person registering if attending).
    Enter the full first and last name of your attendee
    Enter the full first and last name of your attendee
    Enter the full first and last name of your attendee
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